About Tina Kaplani

Digital Marketing Specialist at Perspectives Software Solutions. Her specialties are website and blog content, social media marketing, SEO and more. She is passionate about technology, photography, museums, art, singing and hiking.

Entries by Tina Kaplani

Test Your Stereoscopy Knowledge

Do you think you have a solid basis when it comes to stereoscopy and 3D? Here’s your chance to test or upgrade your knowledge! Take the quiz and share your scores! Good luck!

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Ready to take the stereoecopy quiz? Click NEXT to start!

1) What exactly is Stereoscopy(also called stereoscopics)? A. Type of gramophone record B. Method of sound reproduction that creates an illusion of multi-directional audible perspective C. Medical term D. A technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by means of stereopsis for binocular vision2) Visual ability to perceive the world […] Read more

The Purrrr Effect of Cat GIFs

The idea for this topic came from our boss. Few days ago he was telling us about enormous amount of images of cats on the web. He said that GIFs of cats would pop up wherever his online search took him. He literally thought he had missed an important event involving cats. 🙂

Intrigued by this, I immediately ran to my computer in the office and typed in search “cat photo” and “cat GIF”. And, my God, what I have found: a cats’ internet empire. Who would’ve thought that cats were such a popular web topic and image subject. I was […] Read more

The Only Digital Photography Resources You’ll Ever Need

Photography is one of the most popular hobbies and one of the most loved professions in the world! Thousands and thousands of people stream through social media, forums, articles on photography every day. From beginners and hobbyists to famous professionals, they all gather and share photo visual and reading photo information.

Over the last decade so many websites on photography images, techniques, equipment etc. were born. Alongside the expansion of social media: Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest photography took over the web. This makes it almost impossible to choose the right sources of information or the right professionals to follow.

To make your life […] Read more

3 Things That Won’t Happen When Using 3Dwiggle

3D made it’s real comeback in 2009, when the new era of 3D movies in theaters began. Ever since Avatar has splashed blue colors of its world on the big screens of our movie theaters, 3D has become a trending topic in the entertainment industry. And, despite some deputes, 3D continues to contribute to entertaining and arts industry.

Because of it’s growth in demand in the recent years, it might seem that 3D is a 20th century invention. The truth is it goes way back to 1839 when the innovation of stereo photography marked the beginning of photography as we know […] Read more

3 Tools Everyone In the Stereoscopic Industry Should Be Using

Many of us have heard about stereoscopy, but what does stereosscopic industry include precisely? There is no a specific nor correct answer to this. Generally, the term “stereoscopic” includes any type of work or industry that uses stereoscopy as a technique to enable the three-dimensional effect. Whether through binocular disparity – used in most of 3D movies nowadays – or autosterescopic imaging – applied on auto 3D screens in a certain industry – both of these technologies make part of stereoscopic industry. Except for 3D movies though, we are little aware of how many industries benefit from stereoscopic imagery. Art, […] Read more

Everything You Need To Know About Parallel Viewing

Have you ever thought about how your sense of vision works? What is that happens in the brain that makes the eyes see what they see? How do our eyes communicate to the brain the depth of space? Why is it that we can recognize the difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects?

The vision has been the theme of many research conducts in different periods of history as well as in the current psychology, neuro physics, anatomy. It hasn’t been a foreign topic to the more creative workers of the society, such as are the artists. You are probably familiar with […] Read more

How Do Museums Spice Up Their Content With Wigglegrams

„Content is the way everything an organization does manifest itself in the world. So content strategy is big and broad.“, said Hillary Marsh, a content strategy consultant for non-profit organizations.

This is absolutely right. In the world where technology and the internet has taken over the attention of users, there is little room left for on-site communication. The museums’ negativeness towards digital communication is understandable. Their goal is to preserve, exhibit and explain objects to the audience. As the objects are displayed within the museum space, the whole experience is knitted around the physical experience. There is a certain fear amongst […] Read more

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Taking Breezegrams

Have you ever tried creating a breezegram? Have you had some trouble in creating breezegrams?

We spoke with our professional photographers about the steps we should take when shooting photographs for a breezegram. We share with you their tips here. Just below the quick definition of breezegrams you’ll find an infographic followed with the advice from the professionals in the field.


Breezegrams are images with a slight movement. Breezegram stands for still images in which subtle and minor changes occur. They can bring a new powerful look to your image and make it more refined and alluring. Take a series of images […] Read more

Instagram 3D – a Case for Nintendo 3DS App

This week we bring you an interesting blog post from our guest blogger, Adolph Vega, Founder&Editor in Chief of 3dor2d.com. Enjoy!
Roughly five years ago (2011) Nintendo released the Nintendo 3DS, a portable video game console. The Nintendo 3DS has the capacity to take and view stereoscopic 3D photos and play stereoscopic 3D video games without the need for 3D glasses. Nintendo included a 3D camera to the Nintendo 3DS so anyone could quickly and easily take and view stereoscopic 3D photos and short videos. Some video games for the Nintendo 3DS even allow the player to take stereoscopic 3D game-play […] Read more

Fashion Lookbook in 3DWiggle Technology

Fashion brand, Sisters Code by SBC, presented their new look-book. The theme of the look-book is the new pre-collection SS16, the collection characterized by simple and casual pieces that look great on both daily and evening occasions. Aside from fashionable pieces of clothes, this look-book has another essential value.

For the first time ever a look-book is created with 3DWiggle technology. This special issue will be premiered at the end of this month (may, 2016). 3DWiggle technology is a technology that falls into stereoscopy industry. 3DWiggle Software uses two 2D photographs to create a 3D image. Two photographs are taken, one […] Read more

Enrique Iglesias Concert in 3D: Case study

One of the greatest pop stars, Enrique Iglesias, performed yesterday in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade. Regardless different music tastes within our team, we were all interested to see the spectacle Enrique would throw on the “Arena” concert stage.

We went to the concert without any equipment, with only personal smart phones in our pockets. The concert hall was crowded, but we managed to get the places right next to the stage. After an hour of DJ time, Enrique took over the stage. The energy he brought was wild! At some point all of us pulled out our smart phones and […] Read more

Why Wiggle GIFs Are Sexy?

GIFs are beutiful, GIFs are fun, GIFs are seductive, GIFs are exciting, GIFs are emotional… They are sexy content you just can’t get enough of. It’s not a video, yet it’s moving. It’s not an image, yet it’s possible to fit them just about anywhere: text, e-mail, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, now Facebook and Instagram. You name it. And their themes…are ENDLESS!

GIF is not a new format. You’ve already seen them on web pages as flashy banners, placeholders or animations within the website. Web designers remember this very well. When websites and browsers were still slow, instead of video which took […] Read more

7 Uses of Wigglegram

The best of your photo memories in 3D

We are used to receive everything in images. Beautiful photographs are all around us, we make them and receive them. What if you could make your memories, marketing visuals or creative expressions more engaging?

From our most personal items – cell phones or books – to restaurants, sidewalks and high-ways. Literally, everything we take in our hands or see is covered in visuals. Not so surprising, though. We humans, are visual creatures – 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. We process visual detail and associate it to a certain meaning. This […] Read more